It’s kinda awesome that a fidgety and silly creature such as myself could, via a couple friends’ (ie. Alyssa and Marco) generosity and senses of humor, ever do something that is legitimately referred to as “modelling”. Often, it’s in fields with old clothes and hilarious record albums, and then sometimes it requires me to sit very still for a couple of hours (with intermittent breaks, of course) while my face is broken down into a series of shapes to be rendered onto canvas.

a series of shapes

sitting still is complicated

It’s a really weird thing now that I think about it, but while it’s happening, you kinda zone out. Though I’m not the best at sitting still, I kick ass at zoning out. So what did I do during those three hours? I tried to sort of keep track of it while it was happening, as I’ve been thinking more about what I think about (yes, being unemployed for this long gives you that kind of time) ever since Andrew posed a related question last week.

It’s pretty funny/disturbing how large a portion of (my) thinking boils down to re-living interactions (be they thought-provoking, hilarious or troubling), re-listening to music, re-watching movies and trying to spell and pronounce strange names/words. The lamp is hot and in my face, my face is nothing but a series of shapes. To paraphrase The Truth About Cats and Dogs? Yes, I remember because it was pretty damn profound to a thirteen year old who didn’t understand why Uma was supposedly so much prettier than Janeane.

Everyone is staring, but they’re supposed to be, so just get back to zoning out. Thank goodness those opening 90210 chords happened to chime in before panic could even think to. Does that song have a title? Cuz it fucking deserves one.