I will never not be the person who stays up much later than she should. I am The Passenger. I was reared by Letterman, Conan, and SNL. I watched the fuzz that came on after the broadcast day was through and prayed away the poltergeists.

Summer’s pretty much done, and the sensation I’ve always most associated with this season is the youthful exhaustion we all used to do so well back in the day. How appropriate to send off the last summer of my twenties(!!?) by falling back into fun and bleary-eyed patterns. And how lucky we were to have Debby here to wander with us, on loan from the (allegedly) kickass country of Germany for a couple weeks, after three whole years apart!

Andrew and I made ourselves a devoted nuisance for a few, blessed days, showing up at family-only events, and crashing on her parents’ guest bunkbeds the night before she had to go. How bizarre it was to walk the streets of Brampton, with Izabella in tow, feeling like we were 14 or 21 or something awesomely exciting and boring all at once while we chowed on Mackay pizza. Particularly, coincidentally, right behind the house which officially stopped being mine this past weekend.

Painted Grey

someone else's bed is in my room.

How I have missed the sound of those two chatting while I try and keep my eyes open and offer my own semi-coherent contributions. Especially when they went into the adjacent room with the candle that was making me nervous “so that I could sleep”. How I relished the opportunity to whine kiddishly, “come baaaack” and then pass out like, 5 minutes after they did.


Deeber sandwich. ❤

Goodbyes yesterday morning (thankfully) happened too quickly for my tired brain to process. I slept off-and-on in the spare-room bed at the new house all day long, realizing that my pushing-30 body had a considerably longer recovery-time. I felt like I’d been hit by a bus, but I prepared to do it again.

Danica went back to school today. Just like the night before, I sleepily dealt with her impending absence, while things (many more this time around) were put into boxes and suitcases. I only realized just how much stuff once she had breezed out the door (once again, too quick to really absorb) and I noticed that the room had gone from overflowing to nearly empty. Very sad, but totes exciting (for her), so I guess it’s worth it. I spent a second day in a row sleeping during hours when I should have been doing other things. It’s the last time, I promise!

she knows!

The sad thing about puppies is they know that you're going, but then they sort of forget you're gone.

September’s here. No more mid-day Mario Kart. Time to wear some pants and get a job. But stay up all night when you need to. Aging body be damned!